World’s Most-Loved Ship

Posted on August 30th, 2010 at 12:09 pm by Akhyari


I read in newspaper about Dewaruci’s adventure in Europe  recently, I was deeply touched by the fact that Dewaruci ship has became legend not only in Indonesia, but also elsewhere in the world. In Amsterdam, many people were crying when the ship (with young Indonesian navy cadets on-board) leaving Amsterdam port, many event tried to stop the cadets from boarding. When it passed Dutch’s naval base, they gave it salvo cannons, no other participant got such farewell salutes.

Dewaruci was clearly standing out among other participants at Sail Amsterdam 2010 events, you may Google or YouTube about how people started to weep when it waved farewell to the Amsterdamers.

At Antwerp Harbour, Belgium

Dewaruci also visited Belgium, Greece,Germany, and other countries.

I quoted this from local newspaper:

The fleet said their goodbyes to Antwerp this afternoon with approximately two hundred thousand visitors lining the quaysides and river banks.  The ships made their way steadily out into the river throughout the day having worked their way through the various bridges and lock systems.  With perfect weather conditions for sailing, many vessels managed to set a number of sails, which made the event all the more spectacular.

The final ship to slip her mooring was Dewaruci (Indonesia) who, having entertained the crowds since they arrived, left in great style with the band playing Auld Lang Syne while the cadets waved and danced on the yards.  When they finally moved away from the quay a huge spontaneous cheer went up from the crowd.

In Greece, Dewaruci won The Best Ship In Crew Parade in Lavrion.

Dewaruci at Lavrion, Greece

In Germany, it got another huge greeting from the Germans. I quote this from local newspaper:
Wunderbar ! Toll…Super… exclaim the Germans when they saw the Dewaruci on the first day of the Sail Bremerhaven. The enthusiastic German crowds were lining up for a chance to see RI’s grand ship up close.

The KRI Dewaruci may be smaller than other vessels in the event, yet her capability and illustrious history, not to mention her crew’s competence in sailing the grand old ship through such a distance, were enough to lure the crowd to see the Dewaruci with their own eyes, even when they had to stand in line from morning till night.

Dewaruci at Bunaken water, with Indonesian Airforce passing by.

From wikipedia:
The KRI Dewaruci (sometimes spelled Dewa Ruci or Dewarutji; KRI: Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia) is a Class A tall ship owned and operated by the Indonesian Navy. She is used as a sail training vessel for naval cadets and is the largest tall ship in the Indonesian fleet. The Dewaruci also serves as a goodwill ambassador for the country of Indonesia to the rest of the world.

Built in Germany by HC Stülcken & Sohn, the Dewaruci is a barquentine. Construction on the Dewaruci began in 1932, but was suspended due to the outbreak of World War II, which caused heavy damage to the shipyard where she was being constructed. She was finally completed in 1952 and launched in 1953. Since then, she has been based out of Surabaya on the Java Sea. Her name and figurehead represent and display the mythological Indonesian god of truth and courage.

Until now, KRI Dewaruci is still operational and periodicaly visits other foreign countries to meet other tall ships around the world.

The Dewaruci also participates in tall ship races and events around the world. As a unique feature, the ship has her own marching band. In 2010 the “Dewaruci”’s marching band delighted and entertained the crowds in Hartlepool at the Tall Ships Crew Parade. Their energy, enthusiasm, and skill won them the prize for the best crew in the crew parade.

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